Sunday, October 11, 2020

God is Angry With The Church!

 The above statement seems like a joke stressed too far to every reader, but unfortunately, that is the truth.

God is angry with the church in our days!

Many denominations have unknowingly drifted into Paganism, Idolatry and Satanism.

While some are guilty of image worship, others are culpable in the worship of various forms of mammon.

Ministers of the gospel are now in competition for largest church auditorium, largest church network, and even church attendance.

Unfortunately, the outbreaks of these incidences are not new to the body of Christ.

There are bible indications to confirm that none of the winds of doctrine bedeviling the church in our days are new to the church.

This is why the Holy Spirit inspired me to write a book that will take every reader on an adventure into the church history to point out the origin of each of these evils in the church.

From the book titled Understanding the Doctrine, you will find out how image worship, veneration of Mary, kissing the feet of Mary, praying with rosary and such things crept into the church.

You will learn the roles Roman Emperors such as Nero, Constantius Chlorus, Constantine the Great, Theodosius, and many of such men played to either suppress the truth or propagate it.

You will also discover the truth about doctrines of the Pharisees, Sadducees, Nicolaitans, and Balaam. 

You will also learn how to identify each of these ancient practices among Christians in our days.

The book will open your eyes to what God wants you to know about Sabbath worship in this dispensation.

You will also understand the mind of God concerning Christmas celebration, Sunday worship, and many more controversial issues in the church.

This book will also expose Satanism, spirits of deception and errors being accepted as the norms in the church of Jesus Christ.

Finally, you will understand what the doctrine of Christ implies and how to walk in the same to please God in this dispensation of grace.

Get set therefore to discover the complete truth you have ever wanted to learn about New Testament Christianity as you get a copy of the book.

Visit this link to get a copy of the book Understanding The Doctrine

Subscribe also to this blog channel as i will begin to discuss and expose Satanism and its manifestation among the body of Christ.

Christianity that will qualify you to the best of God in this generation.

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